FBC Lynchburg Employee Handbook (1)

2. Falsification of time keeping records. This includes improper recording of time on written time cards, clocking in or out for another employee or asking another employee to clock in or out for you. If a mistake is made on the time card/sheet, it must be initialed by both Company supervision and the employee involved. 3. Performing any work off the clock. The Company follows all applicable federal, state and local employment laws and has trained the Company’s management team in those laws. In the unlikely event that you are asked to work off the clock, please report this to a Human Resources representative immediately. 4. Theft. This includes taking Company property without authorization and also includes taking another employee’s property (i.e., lunch, personal belongings, etc.). 5. Violating the Company’s policy on drugs and alcohol. The Company policy on drugs and alcohol is separately posted on Company bulletin boards. 6. Revealing confidential, privileged or proprietary information without proper authorization. 7. Engaging in any immoral or indecent conduct. 8. Insubordination, which can include, but is not limited to, the following: • Disobeying or failing to carry out the instruction of a supervisor • Interfering with a supervisor in the performance of his/her duties • Profane, threatening or abusive language and/or behavior directed toward a supervisor 9. Fighting, provoking a fight, verbal abuse or other intentional conduct which might cause physical or mental harm to another employee, supervisor, customer or visitor. 10. Violation of the Company’s Policy Against Harassment. This policy is separately posted on Company bulletin boards. 11. Intentionally damaging or vandalizing Company property or the property of another employee, customer, or service contractor. 12. Using Company time or resources for personal gain unrelated to employment with the Company. 13. Engaging in a willful slowdown. 14. Failure to follow the proper Lockout/Tagout procedures before repairing, cleaning or maintaining machinery; including the improper removal, tampering with, or failure to use an approved lockout/tagout device. 15. Failure to strictly follow proper Confined Space procedures when entering a confined space.

2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner

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