FBC Norfolk Employee Handbook

themselves and their endorsers. To reduce the legal and reputational risk associated with Personnel Outsource Solutions employees' statements about our clients' products, when offering testimonials or endorsements about Personnel Outsource Solutions products via social media, employees must clearly disclose that they are a Personnel Outsource Solutions employee. Failure to disclose your status as a Personnel Outsource Solutions employee may result in civil or criminal penalties and/or disciplinary action up to and including the termination of employment. No Expectation of Privacy All contents of Personnel Outsource Solutions' computer and communications systems are the property of the company. Therefore, employees should have no expectation of privacy whatsoever in any message including email, files, data, documents, facsimiles, telephone conversations, voice mails, social media posts or any other kind of communications sent, received, stored or printed from the company's systems. Personnel Outsource Solutions expressly reserves the right to monitor, intercept, and review, without notice to the employee, all of the activities using its systems. A good rule of thumb is to avoid using the company's systems for any matter that you desire to be kept private or confidential from the company.

2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner

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