FBC Norfolk Employee Handbook

Fingernails: Eyelashes: Perfumes: Tobacco:

No fingernail polish or false nails may be worn in the production area. No fake eyelashes may be worn in the production area. Perfume or aftershave shall not be worn excessively. The use of tobacco products in areas other than in the designated smoking area is prohibited. No toothpick of any type is allowed on the floor at any time. This includes toothpicks in the mouth or being stored. All lockers must be maintained in a clean and acceptable condition. Uniform lockers are designated for uniforms only. No personal items are allowed. All personal items must be stored in assigned, personal employee lockers. No open wounds are allowed on the production floor. Company policy requires that all cuts and grazes on exposed skin be covered by a company issued, detectable metal strip bandage and fully cover the affected area. Bandages worn from home must be replaced with an approved bandage before entering the production, shipping or receiving area. No glass is to be brought into the facility by any person. Glass is not allowed in the processing area except where absolutely necessary. Break areas are centrally located to the production area. The break areas are equipped with vending machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens, etc. Eating (includes candy, cough drops, gum, etc.) or drinking beverages in the bakery outside of the break area/lunchroom, locker rooms or other unauthorized areas designated by management is prohibited. Employees may place these items inside their pants pockets and carry them into production areas of the facility. However, unless a situation is life threatening, employees should vacate to a break room or restroom to administer personal medication. Any other medications (i.e., Tylenol, etc.) should be obtained from the First Aid supply room and must be ingested away from production areas. For safety and compliance reasons, employees who require essential personal medicines or medical supplies during working hours should report this to HR.



Communicable Disease: No person affected by a communicable disease or while a carrier of such disease, or while affected with boils, sores, infected wounds or other abnormal sources of microbiological contamination shall work in any capacity in which there is a possibility of food or food ingredients becoming contaminated or of disease being transmitted to other individuals. Employees must notify their supervisor or Human Resources when it is not possible for them to work in the production area. Cuts:



Essential Personal Medicines: (i.e., nitroglycerine, asthma inhalers, etc)

2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner

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