FBC Norfolk Employee Handbook
Hand washing:
Hands must be washed thoroughly before starting work, after each absence from the work station, after smoking, after eating and before leaving restrooms. All employees handling finished, unpackaged product must follow the practice adopted by the company to either wear gloves that are intact, clean and in sanitary condition or use hand sanitizer as directed. When product has exited the oven, it is considered a finished product. Hand sanitizing stations are located at each production entrance and in the wrap areas. All individuals entering the production area must use hand sanitizer before entering production. All employees whose hands come in contact with unwrapped product must sanitize their hands each time they become soiled or contaminated. Hand sanitizer must also be used as directed by the company. Never leave or place tools on any product zone. Sitting or standing on ingredients, equipment, or work surfaces is not permitted. All items are to be stored in a clearly marked container and in a sanitary manner. The grounds surrounding the plant must be maintained in a condition to help maintain plant integrity. All outside plant facility doors and windows •shall be kept closed. All doors should be insect and rodent proof. An 18" perimeter is to be maintained in the facility to help aid in inspections. No materials are to be stored with in 18" of a wall.
Hand Sanitizing:
Storage: Grounds:
2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner
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