FBC Norfolk Employee Handbook
Hair Restraint Policy
INTRODUCTION It is the desire of the company to eliminate all potential sources of foreign matter and their point(s) of entry into our products. Foreign matter is anything found in the product that is not a part of the formulation. Hair shall be considered foreign matter. Food contaminated with hair or whereby it may have become contaminated with hair shall be deemed adulterated. The introduction of adulterated food into interstate commerce is a violation of federal law and is subject to seizure by FDA. POLICY All employees, guests, visitors, and contractors shall wear an effective and approved hair restraints, and when applicable, beard restraints when entering any manufacturing plant(s), warehouse(s), receiving and shipping area(s), maintenance storage and repair area(s), sanitation area(s), and all laboratory locations. Shall means mandatory (CFR 110.3 (p)) and should means recommended (CFR 110.3 (q)). GUIDELINES All manufacturing facilities shall implement and maintain a written Hair Restraint program/policy. All relevant personnel, including temporary staff and contractors, shall be appropriately trained regarding the plant Hair Restraint program/ policy. Hair restraints shall have the following features: 1. Either a polypropylene bouffant material or a woven honeycomb like mesh material with a mesh size of 1/8" or less 2. A minimum size of 21" size for hair restraints 3. Blue color for Personnel Outsource Solutions personnel and plant employees (including temporary staff) 4. Red color for all visitors Only plant approved hair and beard restraints, as defined by the plant's Hair Restraint program/policy, shall be worn. Visitors should wear a different color hair restraint, so that they are readily identifiable. The hair restraints shall cover all hair as intended by this policy. Every employee / guest / visitor / contractor shall inspect to assure that their hair restraints and beard restraint are properly positioned prior to entering any manufacturing plant(s), warehouse(s), receiving and shipping area(s), maintenance storage and repair area(s), sanitation area(s), and all laboratory locations facility. The hair restraints shall be worn below the ear lobe without exception. Side burns that protrude below the bottom of the ear lobe shall mandate the use of a beard net. Mustaches that protrude below the top lip shall mandate the use of a beard net.
2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner
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