FBC Norfolk Employee Handbook
Beard nets shall be worn in such a manner as to cover all beard hair, side burn hair, patch of hair directly under bottom lip or mustache hair that protrudes below the bottom of the top lip. Based on risk assessment, snoods for beards and moustaches shall be worn to prevent product contamination. Beard nets (i.e., bead snoods) should have the following features: 1. Either a polypropylene bouffant material or a woven honeycomb like mesh material with a mesh size of 1/8" or less 2. Blue in color. 3. Visitors and Flowers personnel - 1 mporary staff) may all use the same color beard net. It is not required tha a different color beard net from Personnel Outsource Solutions personnel. Long hair may be further restrained under the approved hair restraint by the use of an elastic type band. Clean sweat bands, du-rags, and bandanas may be worn underneath the hair restraints. Any other objects attached to hair shall be prohibited. Hair restraints or beard restraints that are removed for any reason shall be replaced with a new hair restraints or beard restraint. Employees that work in frozen warehouses that contain only packaged finished goods do not have to have hair restraints unless their duties require them to travel into other areas of the facility. If freezer employees have to travel into other areas of the facility then they shall wear an approved hair restraint with or without a knit cap
2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner
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