FBC Norfolk Employee Handbook

10. Violation of the Company’s Policy Against Harassment. This policy is separately posted on Company bulletin boards. 11. Intentionally damaging or vandalizing Company property or the property of another employee, customer, or service contractor. 12. Using Company time or resources for personal gain unrelated to employment with the Company. 13. Supervisors are permitted to use their cell phone in the bakery for company related purposes. Employees may not have cell phones on the production or shipping floor and phone’s must be kept in the employee’s locker or automobile. The use off cell phones is restricted to breaks in designated break areas ( break room and outside). Headphones / ear buds are not permitted on / in the production and shipping floor. 14. Using / possessing tobacco in unauthorized areas is not permitted. i.e. inside all buildings, including all plant areas, company vehicles, thrift stores and warehouse. 15. The use / possession of alcohol, marijuana or any other illegal drugs is not permitted on company property. 16. Willful failure to perform to the best of your ability while on working time. 17. Failure to follow the proper Lockout/Tagout procedures before repairing, cleaning or maintaining machinery; including the improper removal, tampering with, or failure to use an approved lockout/tagout device. 18. Failure to strictly follow proper Confined Space procedures when entering a confined space. 19. Removing a machine guard for any reason other than when absolutely necessary for maintenance purposes. Defeating safeguards or bypassing safeties. Failure to stop equipment before clearing a jam. 20. Bringing or possessing explosives or weapons on Company property, including but not limited to firearms or a switchblade knife, except that an employee who works in a facility where state or local law requires employers to permit possession of firearms or related items on Company property, the Company will comply with such requirements to the extent necessary to comply with such state or local laws. Generally, these laws limit the rights to employees who possess a valid concealed weapons permit and are not otherwise disqualified by law from possessing a firearm, and further require that the firearm be properly stored out of sight in a container within the employees locked vehicle. However, the applicable state or local law should be consulted before making any final determination on the scope of protected rights, if any. 21. Sleeping while on the job. 22. Leaving the facility without permission from your supervisor. It does not include any legally protected activity.

2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner

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