FBC Norfolk Employee Handbook
Permitting unauthorized riders in Company vehicles (if applicable).
24. Having two chargeable vehicle accidents within a 12-month period or two chargeable personal injury accidents within a 12-month period. A chargeable accident is an accident which results in damage to a vehicle, equipment or other property, an accident that causes personal injury , or an action that endangers self or others that could have been prevented if the employee had followed the Company's safety procedures or applicable laws or regulations (for example, striking a stationary object with a vehicle, driving faster than the speed limit or in violation of other traffic rules, lifting a heavy object without obtaining assistance, failure to wear protective gear, etc.). 25. Any off-duty conduct which could impact or call into question the employee’s ability to perform his or her job, or which could damage the Company’s reputation. 26. Unauthorized use in any working area or while on working time still or video cameras, tape recorders or any other audio or video recording devices such as digital cameras, camera cell phones, etc., whether said devices are the employee’s personal property or are issued by the Company. “Working time” is the time employees are expected to be working and does not include authorized meal time, breaks, or other authorized periods during the work day when the employee is officially relieved from performing work duties. Such use is prohibited to protect the intellectual property in the proprietary processes and equipment that are unique to our operation and a valuable component of our ability to remain competitive. 27. Violating the Company’s Policy on Social Media use. B. DRESS CODE, PERSONAL HYGIENE AND OTHER GOOD MANUFACTURING PRINCIPLES, AND SAFETY These are rules, which if broken, normally result in a documented verbal warning at the first offense and further progressive disciplinary action if the individual’s conduct does not improve. Employees should be aware, however, that any offense will be considered on its own facts, including the record of the employee, in determining appropriate disciplinary action which may include discharge. The listed offenses are not all-inclusive. Any conduct which could jeopardize health or safety, interfere with or damage the business or reputation of the Company, or otherwise violate accepted standards of behavior will result in appropriate discipline; up to and including immediate discharge, with or without progressive steps. These steps are as follows:
Disciplinary Action
Documented Verbal Counsel
Documented Verbal Warning
Documented Written Warning
2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner
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