FBC Norfolk Employee Handbook

Non-Exempt Employees Only – One Day Decision Making Leave Without Pay (This allows employees time to decide whether or not to continue to work for the company and abide by the appropriate work standards). Exempt Employees Only – Subject to a disciplinary probation period with pay.



Subject to Discharge

This disciplinary policy is based on rolling twelve (12) month period. For example, if you have a documented verbal warning and it becomes twelve (12) months old, then it drops from your record in considering the next disciplinary step. 1. Littering on company property. 2. Employees that work a twelve – hour shift, must get approval from a supervisor before leaving for the day. 3. Cell phones are not permitted to be charged in production / shipping areas of the plant. 4. Failing to use designated employee entrances when reporting to or leaving work. This includes re-entering the facility at any time. This includes unauthorized use of Emergency exits. 5. Failure to clock out after being relieved or completing work without permission from supervisor. 6. Failure to work with other employees to get a job / task done as deemed by a supervisor. 7. Leaving the floor without the supervisor’s permission. This includes leaving the production / shipping floor to use the restroom. If it is an emergency and you are unable to get in contact with a supervisor, you must make the employee in your work area aware that you are leaving the floor. 8. Incompetent, unsatisfactory or careless performance of duties. 9. Horseplay. This can include practical jokes, throwing product, wrestling, and/or using Company equipment for purposes other than intended. 10. Failure to perform work in a timely, efficient, and/or safe manner. 11. Failure to keep work area clean and orderly at all times, this includes at the end of shifts. 12. Failure to reports to your work area after clocking in for work or after a shift meeting. 13. Disturbing other employees while they are working.

2024 Employee Handbook – B. Turner

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