Lepage Sales Handbook

e. Receiving 3 counseling and retraining sessions on hour of service viola tions or form and manner violations in any 6-month period (see Driver and Manager Safety Management Policy Handbook page 15) f. Receiving 3 speeding tickets within a 12-month period (during personal, off duty driving or as operator of a CMV). g. Late submission of time sheets. h. Receiving violations or out-of-service penalties for items designated as be ing the specific driver’s responsibilities. 25. The following rules follow a two-step disciplinary process, rather than a four step.

The steps are as follows: First conviction/violation: Second conviction/violation:

Written Warning/Retraining


a. Late reporting (after 24 hours) of an accident, except in certain acceptable mitigating circumstances. b. Late reporting (after 24 hours) of vehicle theft, vandalism, and rental car incidents. c. Preventable rear-end accidents where the CMV driver hit another vehicle. d. Failure to submit an original DOT inspection form and copies of the repair receipts within 24 hours of any DOT inspection resulting in safety defects.

Page 12 of 12 Effective Date: 3/4/2022

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